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The analysis of the trend for main raw material of PowderCoatings


1. PolyEster Resin

25th Feb.2016, PTA index was 614, descended 42.99% comparing with the period high 1077(13th Feb.2012 )and rose 1.49% comparing with the period low 605(14th Feb.2016).(Remark:the period means since 1st Dec.2011 up to now)

Status and forecast: PTA price rose a little bit, keep around 4oooRMB/T, NPG price is around 7000RMB/T, IPA price is around 8000RMB/T. As per the Polyester is much overcapacity and the low market demand, most manufacturers insist on compressing profit margin to maintain the price.

The price for polyester resin will keep stable to the mid Mar. And may rise up from end of March or early of Apr.

2. Epoxy Resin

25thFeb., Epoxy chloropropane index was 51.55, descended 48.45% comparing with the period high 100(1st Sep.2011 ), rose 0.45% comparing with the period low 51.32(21st Feb.2016 ) (Remark:the period means since 1st Sep. 2011 up to now)

Status and forecast: Epoxy resin market is stable, purchasing and sales running carefully. Epichlorohydrin and bisphenol A market also keep steady, price fluctuation not much, market inquiry not much, sales volume also not much. Downstream manufacturers operating rate is low, market inquiry not much, buyers market is negative, turnover is most from small orders. The whole market will continue the pattern of finishing, wait-and-see mood will continue.

3. Titanium dioxide

25th Feb. Titanium dioxide index was 53.55, descended 46.45% comparing with the period high 100(4th Sep.2011 ), rose 3.62% comparing with the period low 51.68(29th Dec.2015 ) (Remark:the period means since 1st Sep. 2011 up to now)

Status and forecast: After the Spring Festival, the price of titanium dioxide is comparatively stable. The market stock is abundant and the downstream manufacturers are gradually revived. The second time price adjustment will consolidate the first price adjustment. Some manufacturers will start production in March, titanium dioxide demand will slowly recover. The market will keep stable and wait-and-see mood will continue. Professional organizations expected that the market price will keep rising.

4. Curing Agent

TGIC: At present, the TGIC chlorine is still stable. But as per some of the manufacturers stop production, the price of TGIC may rise.

Tgic-free curing agent, the price of the main raw material adipinic acid, dimethyl ester and diethanol amine are currently stable, and will last for quite a long time.